万寿寺 — Temple of Longevity

万寿寺 — Temple of Longevity


For those have already visited 永和宫 (Yǒnghé Gōng) also known as Lama Temple and wants to know if there's something a bit more subtle but still authentic, visiting 万寿寺 (Wànshòu Sì) might be a choice. No crowds, no rush, no noise. Very calm and quite beautiful temple.



Getting here could be one part of a route 五坮寺 — Wutaisi动物园 — Beijing Zoo紫竹院 — Purple Bamboo Park. And there're 黄帝船 (Huáng Dì boats) plying between all of those sites might be fun to take, especially from or to Wanshousi because it's a terminal station, more time to enjoy your ride. Keep in mind that temple is only open till 4:30 PM. We got here once at 430-something and were rather rudely dispatched back to where we came from.


寺庙内格局虽简单,却甚是大气,细节处透着精致,目光流连间,已不禁按下指尖快门。深庭广厦,琼楼玉宇,御书碑亭,假山叠石,古道地宫,苍松翠柏…… 执手漫步其中,寺内庙外,叹岁月悠悠。

Temple hosts The Beijing Art Museum exhibition, and so, I suspect, there's no any Buddhist school there at the moment. Therefore the most spiritual experience usually being achieved at this place is signing a red plate and hanging it on a fence.



The place itself is lovely though. It doesn't have the usual disproportion syndrome (very common in China, when an object is either excessively huge or ridiculously small), not too stuffed with buildings, nor too empty, has traditional garden, pretty looking pavillions, in a word, harmonious.
