
Western dude and Eastern chick wandering all over China and beyond.

这个世界太大、太美!我很开心能够遇见一个人跟我一起去看看这个世界!我不介意我们走过的足迹会被时间覆盖消逝,也知道终有一天,记录在镜头中的美好会随着时间的冲洗,在记忆中变淡色彩,亦或模糊遗忘。这样不免有些遗憾~ 所以,我们创建了这里——一个记录我们足迹的温馨小屋。这个小屋没有门锁,我们乐意敞开屋门,欢迎每一个进到这里的人来分享我们的足迹与体验,你甚至不需要敲门~但是如果你愿意跟我们打声招呼,说声“你好!”,我们会更加开心~

This blog is going to be something like a glance on things or happenings we run into during our travelling (primarily here in China and other Asian countries) from two points of view: oriental and occidental. Sometimes those are the same, but mostly not. 小禹 will focus more on things might interest locals, me — foreigners. Reading both would be especially interesting in terms of understanding the differences in mentality, culture and life of people from two worlds, but of course it's twice more time consuming. So please read it in a way suits you most. Either way we hope it's gonna be fun. Let's roll!